IB Learner Profile Icons


IB Learner Profile Icons

Our students designed the JFK IB Learner Profile icons


Since ancient times, humans have been asking themselves, “Who am I?” Today, we continue to deepen our understanding about our identities and relationships and extend the question to Who are we?


At JFK, as an IB World School, we are committed to growing individually and collectively in line with the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. Around the school you can see the new icons of the IB Learner Profile. This project began in 2018 where we wanted to develop JFK school-wide institutional images of each attribute, and we decided that the best way to do it was involving students from all sections in the process.


In 2019 we began the designing process with our students in all sections of the school:

  • In Preschool and Elementary School, each class explored an attribute and created a poster with words and images to represent the attribute. They shared their ideas with other classes, then some dedicated students in 5th grade observed the work and created a poster for each attribute.
  • In Middle School, all students were invited to participate in Design Class using paper or technology to express their creativity.
  • In High School, various groups from each grade participated and were led by various teachers to develop their original ideas after having analyzed the descriptors for all attributes.


The selection committee reviewed the best efforts from all grade levels and checked to make sure that they truly represented the core values of each descriptor, and that the selected pieces represented all sections in the school. They presented the selection to the General Directors and once it was approved, Communications worked with our students’ creative ideas and gave them a unifying JFK institutional look.


These are the JFK IB Learner Profile Attributes made through the collaboration and creativity of students from all grade levels. These represent who we are as JFK Jaguars in an IB World School, as together, our entire community - students, teachers, parents, and staff strive to be internationally-minded as we work together to help create a better and more peaceful world.


thinker thinker2 principled1 principled2
risk taker1 risk taker 2 balanced1 balanced2
reflective1 reflective2 inquirer1 inquirer2
communicator communicator2 caring caring2
know know open minded open minded